• Nicola-Banner
  • Reekie

Welcome to the St Andrews Photographic Society

Based in St Andrews, Scotland

St Andrews Photographic Society is open to all. We meet from mid-September to late March every year, featuring a fun, diverse programme that includes a number of speakers, occasional hands-on evenings, as well as four internal competitions featuring an external judge.

Our members range from beginners to experts, and everything in between. We are equipment-agnostic, and have members that photograph using a range of digital equipment and occasionally even a bit of film. You need own no camera to join.

Member Portfolios

Samples of members' photography.


Recent photo society news

Passion For Wildlife: Kevin Pigney

This week saw our first monthly Zoom talk which was given by Kevin Pigney with a superb presentation titled “Passion […]

The End of Summer

The summer is slipping away. As the nights draw in, cue the resumption of St Andrews Photographic Society meetings. We’ll […]