St Andrews Photography Festival 2017

Keracher, part of “Scotland at Home—in St Andrews” exhibit. (Photo: Nicola Shepherd LRPS CPAGB EFIAP)
The fantastic — and second annual — St Andrews Photography Festival is fast upon us, and the St Andrews Photographic Society will be participating in multiple ways:
- Members Photographic Exhibition in Holy Trinity Church: September 1st – 30th, open 10.00 – 4.00pm daily except Sundays, Sat Sept. 9th & 16th, or whenever required for church business
- “Scotland at Home – In St Andrews” exhibition, September 1st–30th, in Holy Trinity Church, opening times as above
- Walkabout on September 9th — a casual walkabout with your camera, meet Argyle street car park (10.00am – 12noon); free
- Start of St Andrews Photographic Society season: September 13th in The Art Club Rooms, 14c Argyle Street, St Andrews (7.15pm)
- Hunter Kennedy’s “Prints Past and Present”: September 20th presentation in The Art Club Rooms, 14c Argyle Street, St Andrews (7.15pm)