Speaker Chas Sievewright Wed 4th Oct
Chas Sievewright a member of Perth Camera Club spoke to members of his experiences in acquiring the knowledge and growing his long exposure skills, mainly in black and white, with the a colour image into the mix here and there.
It was in 2013 and armed with a Canon 5D he started out on his journey, close to St Andrews, at St Monans pier. He readily admitted, it was all wrong. It was a start. Becoming a member of Perth CC was the catalyst for learning more from the members and a wider community of photographers on social media.
Chas moved on to a Nikon 810 and together with a ‘Buddy’ photographer set out across the country to capture images for long exposure. He did point out on his travels, don’t go passed a shot to get a shot. Chas in his drive to improve his technique signed on to a number of courses, one in particular with Irish photographer Rohan Reilly proved a major turning point. Another photographer who Chas has been heavily influenced by is Noel Glegg.
Chas shared some of his images and the favourite spots he goes in his quest to capture long exposures. North Berwick and East Lothian, the West Coast, Conomarra and Venice.
His advice for those wanting to try out long exposure. Use the internet and apps available to determine sun angles, weather (mist and dreich!!) , use live view to scan the area as you walk about, field craft and setting up is a skill, good light/rain, no shadows, keep a diary of places you go if the elements are not right, use flickr and 500PX to see what others do, make contact with photographers with a similar style, manual live view focusing, keep checking histogram, stack images to generate definition, learn post processing techniques. And most importantly…get out there and experiment.