More success for St Andrews Photographers at Edinburgh International Salon 2019
Edinburgh International Salon is one of the most highly regarded international exhibitions in the UK, typically attracting around 3000 entries from all around the world. This salon has been in existence for over 150 years and during that time has built a strong reputation.
A print only exhibition they only accept what they can display, usually 202 prints, approx. 8% of entries, thus gaining an acceptance is a great achievement and much sought after. All the prints are on display at the Society’s premises during the Edinburgh Festival for 4 weeks each August. The Exhibition usually receives over 3000 visitors and this year two members of St Andrews Photographic Society have had prints selected for exhibition.
Stan Farrow FRPS, a regular contributor to the Salon, had 3 colour prints and 1 copper toned mono print selected.
Memento Mori – Stan Farrow Muscari – Stan Farrow Survival – Stan Farrow The Raven’s Passing – Stan Farrow
Whilst St Andrews Club President Nicola Shepherd LRPS also had 2 colour prints accepted for the exhibition. The 157th Edinburgh International Exhibition opens to the public from Sunday 28th July until Sunday 25th August 2019 at 68 Great King Street, Edinburgh.
Fleur – Nicola Shepherd Still Life – Nicola Shepherd
St Andrews Photographic Society meets every Wednesday evening at 7.30pm from mid September until the end of March at the Art Club Rooms, 14c Argyle Street, St Andrews. New members are always welcome.