Speaker – Andrew Moss – Wednesday 8th December 2021

  • Chess-Boxing-Andrew-Moss
  • Tour-de-France-2014-Andrew-Moss

Photographic images of Sport can be both dramatic and evocative. This was ably demonstrated by this weeks guest speaker Andrew Moss from Beckenham in Kent with his presentation “He Shoots, He Scores”. 

Chess Boxing – Copyright Andrew Moss

Andrew now acting in a professional capacity has attended a mixed variety of sporting events including minority participation sports (for which he is an ambassador) in and around London but also included the Olympic Stadium.  

Tour de France 2014 – Copyright Andrew Moss

Showing amazing pictures from 57 sports he explained that he honed his skills with practice then more practice. Giving members the benefit of his experience he explained how he operates and advised, to Shoot in Bursts so you can select the best shot later, Separate the Action from the Background, use a Shallow Depth of Field, be Mindful of your Position, Use your Technology and don’t be afraid to Closely Crop your picture for effect. More of Andrew’s work can be seen on his website Sports – andrew moss (smugmug.com)

Joe Peterson