Category: News

4-Way Competition in Perth


Members of the Society last week enjoyed an evening away trip to Perth. The Perthshire Photographic Society were hosts and extended a warm welcome to their guests for the annual 4-way competition with neighbours Dundee, St Andrews and Glenrothes. Unfortunately, Glenrothes were unable to participate this year but this did not make the competition any […]


Results: First 2 Internal Competitions 2022–2023


Last month the Society held its first internal competition and the entries were up to their usual high standard. In the competitive PDI section 3rd place went to Mathew Schwartz with Angel, 2nd was Frank Riddell with Jelly Fish and in 1st place was Chris Reekie with Catch. The Mono Prints results went 3rd to […]


Erica Oram: The View From Here


The Society held its first Zoom meeting of winter program with Erica Oram from Sheffield as the speaker. Her entertaining talk was titled “The View From Here”. As a busy healthcare worker she fits her photography around work and family. As a photographer she likes to push herself out of her comfort zone by experimenting […]


Phil Cooke. Shooting Seascapes


At the latest meeting of the Society we had the privilage of having as our guest speaker a local from Fife, Phill Cooke a renouned award winning Seascape and Landscape photographer. Our President Chris Reekie welcomed members and Phil with his customery aplomb. Phil`s talk was titled “ Shooting Seascapes”. This was a toure- de- […]


Andy Hall, First Guest Speaker Of New Season


Emily Noaks warmly welcomed out first guest speaker of the winter program Andy Hall. Residing in Stonehaven he titled his talk Decisive Moments – the Art of Photography. A member of his local Camera Club Andy is a well known and respected and published Scottish photographer of landscapes and abstracts. After a lifetime in teaching […]


Helen Willis LRPS


Congratulations to club member Helen Willis who today qualified as a Licentiate of the Royal Photographic Society (LRPS). Helen has been working hard on her distinction panel and chose to enter her images for assessment as prints. For the Licentiate, applicants must show (among other criteria) a variety of approach and techniques but not necessarily […]


Isle of May Trip


Wednesday 15th June, and one-by-one a dozen smiling members of St Andrews Photographic Club met up at the harbour in Anstruther for a trip out to the May Isle. Personally I was pleased to leave the clouds behind on my side of Fife, as they had triggered memories of stormy days on the Forth, when all the puffins had been either been out foraging for sand-eels, or forlornly trying to rescue […]


4th Internal Competition Results

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  • 3502_A-Rose-in-the-Shieling
  • 3604_Turnstone
  • 3002_The-Rosary-and-Key
  • 3119_Dundee-VandA_m
  • 3204_Old-Faithfull

This week the Society held the last of their 4 Internal Competitions. As the competitions this year have had to be held online we have been able to secure the services of judges from much further afield. This time the Society had the pleasure of welcoming the entertaining Gareth Martin from Aberfan South Wales who […]


Speaker – Grant Bulloch – Wednesday 16th February 2022

  • Callanish-Sunburst-Isle-of-Lewis-Andrew-Bulloch

The Society meeting on 16th February was a zoom presentation by Grant Bulloch from Edinburghof award winning photographs taken by his son Andrew together with examples of his own work.The father and son photographers held an exhibition in Dundee last year and some of the workfeatured this evening was part of that previous exhibition. Particularly […]
