Tagged: charity

Young Epilepsy Charity Cheque Presentation


  To The St Andrews Photographic Society, Thank you so much for the incredible amount of money that you’ve all raised for Young Epilepsy. I was totally speechless (which doesn’t happen often!) when John announced it to me. Young Epilepsy is a wonderful charity who work tirelessly to crush the many stigmas surrounding epilepsy and […]


Playlist For Life Charity Cheque Presentation


On 22nd March club past president Sandy Mackenzie presented a cheque to Playlist For Life for £418.50 which was raised from charity raffle and cake nights during the season. Playlist For Life issued the following letter of thanks: I am writing to thank St Andrews Photographic Society for choosing Playlist for Life as one of […]


Annual Charity Donation Presentation


St Andrews Photographic Society chose two charities — the Blake McMillan Trust, and Bipolar Scotland — to be this year’s recipients of its six different charity night collections, via which members contributed £662 in total. As a result, the club was able to donate £331 to each charity. At a recent meeting of the society, Jenny McMillan, Blake’s mother, thanked the society and explained that […]
