Playlist For Life Charity Cheque Presentation


On 22nd March club past president Sandy Mackenzie presented a cheque to Playlist For Life for £418.50 which was raised from charity raffle and cake nights during the season. Playlist For Life issued the following letter of thanks:

I am writing to thank St Andrews Photographic Society for choosing Playlist for Life as one of your charities this year. Please pass on our sincere gratitude to all your members for their support and the generous donation of £418.50. It is greatly appreciated.

Playlist for Life’s aim is that everyone with dementia in the UK has access to the music that has sound-tracked their life. In January, a report by the ILC-UK Commission on Dementia and Music echoed our mission, stating that “Everyone living with dementia should have access to a unique personal playlist by 2020”. We, and our partners, are doing everything we can to make this happen. In addition to training care professionals and raising awareness, this year we are in the process of setting up 150 Playlist for Life Help Points in communities across the UK. Our Help Points will train volunteers to become Music Detectives who can give practical help to individuals and their carers and support them in creating their playlists.
We now have an app for iPhone and iPad which has been designed to make the experience of searching for music online and creating a playlist as simple as possible. The app is powered by Spotify and is available to download from the App Store. We would love to know what you think of it should you choose to try it out!

To date we have 22 accredited Playlist for Life Establishments (care homes, hospital wards etc) where personal playlists have been officially incorporated in to care following our training. In March, this number will double.

Thanks to donations like yours, we’re making great progress and helping people with dementia and their carers to live better and happier lives. Your support is vital to our ongoing success and we really can’t thank you enough.

Sarah Metcalfe
Chief Executive

In 2016/17 Playlist for Life:
– Encouraged and helped individuals create 4,007 playlists (estimated)
– Contacted 21,000 people about Playlist for Life
– Spoke to 12,000 people directly at talks and events
– Had 4k Facebook friends and 3k twitter followers
– Established 4 (pilot) Help Points in Scotland. (We are now setting up 150 across the UK in the next year.)
– 510 people with dementia were reached by our 4 pilot Help Points, with music-related or music-supported activity.
– 68 playlists were made thanks to the support from the 4 Help Points
– We trained 1,600 care professionals and 98 health and care organisations
– Dispatched 272 iPods to people with dementia/their carers