Annual Exhibition 2021 – Winners

The Societies Annual Exhibition 2021 was not a mounted print exhibition in Holy Trinity Church which would be available for public viewing but once again a digital competition as a result of the current Covid 19 restrictions.
The event took place on Zoom on Wednesday 6th October and was attended by some twenty four Society members who were treated to an exhibition of over forty digital images submitted by members. Given the digital nature of this years competition the Society was able to obtain the judging skills of an experienced judge from out with our local area.
This years judge was David Gibbens ARPS, EFIAP, CPAGB from the Midlands and someone who has no familiarity with the club and its members work.
David specialises in mono photography and the images he was to peruse included some seven mono images a photographic format in which the club has not always excelled.
One of the first images he reviewed was a mono taken in the Reichstag in Berlin, a location where David has himself taken mono images one of which appears on his website. The author was congratulated on an image which in the opinion of the judge worked well and was taken from an angle which maximised the potential of the location.
David provided very constructive comments on the images submitted which included landscapes, nature, still life, macro and an ICM image in addition to a number of creative compositions. Three images were noted as just having missed out in the final selections for awards but were
referenced for their excellent textures.
“Spider with Prey” a macro image by David Ogden “excellent details a very clever macro image”
“One careful lady owner” by Nicola Shepherd which had “good depth of tone and good use of viewpoint”
“Nautilus Aground” a composition by Stan Farrow which was ”very well done with inclusions which put in context a story line”
“Harbourside” by Chris Reekie which had “lovely colours and was an intriguing image”
Nautilus Aground – Stan Farrow One Careful Lady Owner – Nicola Shepherd Harbourside – Chris Reekie Spider with Prey – David Odgen
“Yachts” by Chris Reekie “another intriguing image with good use of colour and ghostly yachts”
“A Rather Well Fed Puffin” by Nicola Shepherd “ a very different form to usual puffin images but with precise head detail and a good background, a super image”
Yachts – Chris Reekie A Rather Well Fed Puffin – Nicola Shepherd
“Grassy beach collection’ by Stan Farrow” a superb arrangement with a background which makes the picture.”
Grassy Beach Collection – Stan Farrow
David commented on how much he had enjoyed Judging the competition and that he would be willing to judge the Societies work again in the future.
Members were very appreciative of the judges constructive comments.
John Peacock