Results of St Andrews Photographic Annual exhibition and Kodak Cup children’s competition
Over 200 people visited the St Andrews Photographic Societies Annual member’s exhibition in St Andrews Town Hall.

Connor Mackay, Lawhead Primary School, with his winning Kodak Cup image.Twenty children entered the Kodak cup with entries from Madras College, Guardbridge Primary School, Tayport Primary School, Leuchars Primary School, and Lawhead Primary school.
Lawhead pupil Connor Mackay took first place with his picture titled ‘Winter in the Garden’; 2nd was ‘Car’ by Emily Wallard, aged 8, from Lawhead school; and 3rd was 15-year-old Maggie Milne from Madras College with her image ‘Horses Eye’.
Highly commended were ‘Entrance’ by Lucas Gilbert from Leuchars and ‘Waterfall’ by Charlie Near from Madras College.
Judge Sean Dooley, and all visitors to the exhibition, were very impressed with the very high standard of photography entered by the children ranging from 5 years to 16 years old.
For the adults, the Food Category judged by The Adamson Restaurant was won by Vron Wootton with her image titled ‘Warning this image contains nuts!’; 2nd was ‘Eye of the Cabbage’ by Chris Reekie LRPS; and 3rd was Robert Melville with his image titled ‘When we grow our own’.
The Wilson Quaich, also judged by Sean Dooley for the best member’s print, was awarded to Emily Noakes with her image titled ‘Beach Huts’; 2nd was ‘ Autumn Gold’ by Alastair Ramsay; and 3rd was ‘ Smiling faces’ by Chris Reekie LRPS.
Left to right: Chris Reekie, Maggie Milne, Emily Noakes, Sean Dooley, Vron Wootton, and 2 members of the Adamson restaurant staff

Left to right: Chris Reekie, Maggie Milne, Emily Noakes, Sean Dooley, Vron Wootton, and 2 members of the Adamson restaurant staff
Well done to all. And just as a reminder: St Andrews Photographic Society welcomes photographers of all standards, please contact us if you’re interested in learning more.

Vron Wootton won the food section at the recent St Andrews Photographic Exhibition with her image of a Tentsmuir Forest red squirrel titled ‘Warning this image contains nuts!’ and is pictured with Julie Lewis, Managing Director of The Adamson Restaurant in St Andrews who support the society by judging this event every year.