Competition hand-in dates (2017-18 season)
Here’s a list of hand-in dates for this coming season:
- Friday, 22 Sept.: Hand-in, St Andrews Horticultural Society competition, Town Hall 3–6pm
All other hand-ins on Wednesdays:
- 04 Oct: Hand-in, 1st internal competition
- 11 Oct: Hand-in SPF DIGITAL CHAMPIONSHIP entries
- 01 Nov: Hand-in, 2nd internal competition
- 08 Nov.: Hand-in, 4-way competition
- 15 Nov.: Hand-in, prints for Annual Exhibition
- 22 Nov.: Hand-in PDI’s ‘Novelty Knock-Out Night’
- 29 Nov.: Hand-in entries for PAGB GB Cup
- 06 Dec.: Hand-in entries for the 3-way PDI Competition
- 10 Jan: Hand-in, 3rd internal competition
- 24 Jan.: Hand-in entries for the SPF PRINT CHAMPIONSHIP
- 07 Feb.: Hand-in 4th internal competition
- 14 Feb.: Hand-in entries for the Inter Fife Competition
- 07 Mar: Hand-in SPF portfolio entries Colour, PDI and Mono