SPF Print Championship – Stirling 2019

Congratulations to Chris Reekie LRPS of St Andrews PS for achieving a score of 15/15 for his image “Snow Fence” at the annual Scottish Photographic Federation (SPF) Print Championship in Stirling. 3 judges score each print with a minimum score of 2 and a maximum score of 5 in this well attended event. 31 camera clubs from all over Scotland compete in this competition with 1373 prints judged during the day. This year’s Judges were – Colin Westgate FRPS MPAGB MFIAP APAGB and Chrissie Westgate FRPS both from East Anglia Federation, and Gerald Chamberlin EFIAP DPAGB from Northern Counties PF. With so many prints in the competition it really is a great achievement to be awarded full marks.
Overall St Andrews PS finished 8= with Kirkcaldy Photographic Society which is a great result. Other members recording notable scores were Stan Farrow scoring 14/15 for “Light In The Window” and 13/15 for “The Raven’s Passing”, Alison Smith 13/15 for “Stormbound” and Helen Willis 13/15 for “Pink Ranunculus”.
The Raven’s Passing – Stan Farrow Stormbound – Alison Smith Pink Ranunculus – Helen Willis Light In The Window – Stan Farrow
A further 8 prints from St Andrews PS went on to score 12/15. The best overall club on the day was Carluke Camera Club who exhibited an impressive range and styles of photography. Well done to all involved.