Presidents Night – Wednesday 11th March – Libby Smith
This week was Presidents Night at the Society. Our retiring President Nicola Shepherd has been in situ for a number of years and is held in the highest esteem by the members as she has been such a progressive driving force for the Society. The President choses the theme of the night and Nicola invited along a friend of the Society Libby Smith now from Carluke but originally a Fifer. She is a leading light in the Scottish Photographic Salon and an award winning photographer.
Libby assisted by her husband Neil gave the members an insight into how you can improve your images using the apps you can have on your computer. She explained how the images taken by any camera do not capture exactly the picture that the human eye sees. Using photographs taken in Ireland she described how she uses the apps to boost the contrast and colour to give atmosphere to her images. The Raw file can be altered by adding layers, masks and changes of colour tones to enhance the contrast and sharpness. You can also change your images to black and white or sepia if you think it makes a better image.
Once you have manipulated your image to your satisfaction you may end up with a picture closest to what you envisaged or it can look completely different. You can have as many variations of your image as you choose. Once you are ready to print you have a choice of printers. As they all print colours slightly differently the choice of printer and which texture of paper to use becomes a personal preference as they both have an effect on the look of the printed picture. At the end of her presentation Libby answered many questions from the floor.

The final act of the night was the presentation by Annie Harrower-Gray of vouchers and a bottle of wine from the money donated by the members to Nicola our retiring President who received the warmest of warm applauses.
Joe Peterson