Speaker – Mark Holden Wednesday 13th January 2021
The president of the society Emily Noakes welcomed members to the first Zoom meeting of 2021. The evenings talk was a joint meeting with both the St Andrews Photographic Society and Art Club in attendance. She then introduced Mark Holden from the Black Isle who is a renowned Scottish photographer and talented artist as our first speaker of the year.

A professional Artist since 2002, Mark has established himself as a Scottish based artist working in both Oils and Watercolour. Mark has taught watercolour classes on Fred Olsen Lines cruise ships and also a host art tutor on art holidays with Flavours Holidays. He also leads art workshops for various Art clubs in Scotland. https://markholdenart.co.uk/art-workshops
His main subject for most of his career so far has been creating his evocative, impressionistic paintings capturing the essence of St. Andrews. Mark is often commissioned by clients to provide new work for them of St. Andrews.
Mark’s talk entitled “Creating Impact in Photography and Art to Draw in the Viewer” was both enjoyable as well as interesting and informative. Through a varied career he has taught painting on cruise ships and has had many of his photographs published on the BBC’s weather watchers site particularly with his views of Ceres in winter. To engage the viewer he explained that you have to tell a story using skills in composition, creating atmosphere with contrast and colour as well as introducing abstraction. As usual the night ended all to soon and the members showed their generous appreciation after a question and answer session.
Joe Peterson.