Results: First 2 Internal Competitions 2022–2023
Last month the Society held its first internal competition and the entries were up to their usual high standard. In the competitive PDI section 3rd place went to Mathew Schwartz with Angel, 2nd was Frank Riddell with Jelly Fish and in 1st place was Chris Reekie with Catch.
The Mono Prints results went 3rd to Joan Riddell with Yachts, 2nd to Emily Noakes with View from a Bridge, and 1st to Emily Noakes with The Furrows.
The Colour Print section results were joint 3rd for Mathew Schwartz with At the Edge of the Sea and Chris Reekie with Flying by the Seat of His Pants; 2nd was Emily Noakes with Three Companions and in 1st place was Frank Riddell with Blossom.
This week saw the second Internal Competition and was judged by Stewart Dodd from the Dundee Photographic Society. This experienced judge gave us an insight into his thoughts when presented with images for competition. His critiques were cogent and informative and should help members improve their own images before presenting them for judgement in competition.
In the PDI section 3rd place went to John Drummond for No 24, in 2nd was Mathew Schwartz for Mirabello Bay, and in 1st place was Monica Vella with V&A.
The Mono Print section had in 3rd place Bill Donald with In the Lea of the Ben, in 2nd was Chris Reekie with Flying Hand Off and 1st again went to Chris Reekie with Cap High.
In the Color Print section, 3rd place went to Emily Noakes with Falls in the Grove, in 2nd was Bill Donald with Boulder Beach Penguin and 1st place went to Emily Noakes for Path Into the Castle. The evening closed with high praise for judge Stewart for his relevant insights and his humour.