4-Way Competition in Perth

Members of the Society last week enjoyed an evening away trip to Perth. The Perthshire Photographic Society were hosts and extended a warm welcome to their guests for the annual 4-way competition with neighbours Dundee, St Andrews and Glenrothes.
Unfortunately, Glenrothes were unable to participate this year but this did not make the competition any less fierce. The esteemed judge was Guy Phillips from Helensburgh and a member of the Paisley Colour Society. Guy was extremely enthusiastic about the high quality of the images that he had to evaluate and congratulated the sterling efforts of the photographers.
The competition was split between the Prints and the P.D.I. section.
The results echoed the closeness of the competition. Using a sporting metaphor, St Andrews came first by a short head with 331 points, with Dundee marginally behind on 330 points and Perthshire close on their heels with 324 points. Well done, all.